Some Thoughts …

Scott DochertyArt News, Personal

It’s been a long time since I have communicated with you all.  A lot is changing in my world. On a very personal level My husband  Carl took a bad fall in March and needed spinal surgery.  He is recuperating from that trauma. Thank heaven he is receiving excellent rehabilitation care from some wonderful people.

On another front the wonderful Attic Gallery has closed.  Maria the owner says they will  maintain an on line presence, which I look forward to seeing in action.  Meanwhile I am in a May show at the Spiral Gallery in Estacada.  The gallery invited me to participate in this exhibit which features artists who are alumni of the Spiral.

It’s been a pleasure to exhibit again in this community which has meant so much to me.  

At the same time, I need to search out a new gallery.  I’m looking forward to finding the right place for me and my art.  

In my studio, I recently found myself struggling with my oil painting criteria.  These are demands I make of myself as I work through an idea.   It seems that I periodically need to throw off my current language and its demands.  I need to break through and liberate myself from ways of practice that I set up myself when I threw over former self designed ways of creating. Don’t get me wrong, I love all my recent pieces and am absurdly proud of them.  It just was extremely challenging to work through to a satisfying end.

I find myself inspired by new images.  For an artist to change their imagery can be confusing and off putting to folks. Consistency can be comforting and I actually long for it in many ways. Nevertheless, my imagination is pulling me elsewhere. And I’m really loving where some of this  new work is starting. It feels refreshing.  

I still say there are three components to a work of art that are necessary for me. These are Beauty, Emotion and Mystery.In every painting these need to be present or I am not satisfied.  

I am also including in this message 5 images of the paintings I am showing at the Spiral Gallery in the May show. 

Thanks to all of you,  Jenny

The Spiral Gallery,  (503-630-7273)  341 Broadway Street, Estacada.  Hours-12pm-5pm, Tuesday through Sunday.